Sunday, May 16, 2010

pictures of the day

Top picture is of my dog buddy, he was a tired pooch by the end of the day and so was I, but we had such fun. Next shot my friends Deb of Garden Party, Virginia, Junk Dreams, Kathleen, cook extraordinaire, lovely painted oars that Lauri and Barb brought, Dawn, Great Findz, over view of the market, love, love, love the JohnBob, JohnBob cool Junk, the back of Virginia's truck.Timi, one of the funnest people on the planet, she is a walking talking party, Come Junk With Us, Julia and some of her extraordinary clothing  hanging in the window.


  1. Love that statue on the handtruck, and what a great picture of Dawn. Lovely to see you friday, my dear! And those oars!

  2. What a great blog post! Everyone is having such a great time. I can't wait for June 12th!

  3. What a great show! I want to try and make it to your June fun! Lisa :-)

  4. Great looking stuff...but where is this Saturdays show..???
